Saturday, May 10, 2008

JBQ Regional Competition

We're back...we had a great time in Spokane. Kyle did well and participated in the regular team competition on Friday, the Quiz Bee and One on One on Saturday. He did very well and had lots of fun. As a church, we took 3 teams to Regionals and 2 of our teams qualified for Nationals.

Here's Kyle goofing around at lunch time.
Here is me. We sang "Father Abraham" with the motions. Since I had been a camp counselor for 3 summers and attended children and youth camps for way too many years, I was very familiar with the "movements". Kyle took the picture to prove his mom's a goof.
Here is Kyle receiving his certificate for One on One. Way to go Kyle.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Great Job to Kyle for his hard work and you for your groovey moves. hehe