17 reasons I love my hubby...
1. He loves me.
2. He loves the boys.
3. He will drive out of his way to make sure his 85 year old grandmother is okay.
4. He takes awesome pictures.
5. He loves taking us on vacation.
6. He will go camping in the tent with the family.
7. He puts up with my whims.
8. He lets me go on girlfriend weekends.
9. He makes a mean prime rib.
10. He can drive in the snow.
11. He can fix my computer when it breaks.
12. He has a radio show on KVI.
13. He also loves the movie Down Periscope and laughs at the fart scene every time.
14. He has a huge extended family and loves to get together with them.
15. He loves football.
16. He's a Huskie fan.
17. Oh did I mention, he loves me!
Our wedding picture taken December 21, 1991.

AND we love you guys. You forgot that one. hehe. Hope you had a wonderful time in seattle.
wow, 17yrs already?! seems like just yesterday michelle and I were lighting the candles in the church. ;) I hope you had a wonderful anniversary and christmas. Love the new pics! :)
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