Thursday, April 3, 2008


Why is it I can't get Kevin to take a bath but once he's in it, I can't get him out?

Why is it Kyle stinks to high heaven and we remind him to take a shower all the time and then when I ask when his last shower was he tells me "I don't remember?" Then I have to tell him, if you can't remember, it's time! I would really appreciate it if he took one at least every other day, especially since he practices baseball 3 days a week.

Is this a boy thing? I remember taking showers pretty often when I was young and I don't remember my mom having to remind me.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

the rule at our house is tues, thurs and saturday, if you want more often thats fine, but T, TH and S. If you take one on M or W or F and then the next day is STILL T, TH or Saturday, you still have to. One non bath days, its a bonus(for us around you. hehe) and that way you dont get off the T, TH or S schedule. The extras were just extras.