Saturday, July 12, 2008

Alaska - Final

Fourth of July was spent with my sister-in-law Holly's family. We went to a parade and had a family potluck. It was nice visiting with them.

Saturday we went into Anchorage and went shopping at the Farmer's Market and had our family photo taken. You see it when you open the blog at the top. Aren't we just all so cute bundled up in all the fur?

Afterwords we all went to Red Robin for dinner then we stopped at this park near the airport. That's Anchorage in the background.

All the cousins had a great time and I know my boys can't wait to see them again. Here's all 7 of them together before we had to leave.
Here's my "little" brother, well at least younger brother, can't say he is little anymore. Smile.
Paul and Holly - Thanks for letting us stay with you and we hope we get to see you all again soon, well at least in less than the 3 years it took this time. Love ya all bunches!!

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