Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Camp, Camp and more Camp

Last week Kyle went to camp with some of his buddies from school with Highland's church at Camp Berachah in Auburn and had a blast. We dropped him off at HCC on Monday morning where he met up with his friends and boarded the bus then he was gone until Saturday at noon. He went last year with one friend and this year they talked more of their friends to go so there were six of them in the cabin together.

Then Sunday we took him to church where he gathered with his friends from church and boarded the bus for U-Turn Youth Jr High camp at Warm Beach. We will pick him up tomorrow at 5:00. I'm sure he had fun at this camp too.

Kevin started Cub Scout Day camp today and will be going each day this week. Today he had a blast and is looking forward to the egg launch on Friday. I get to go to camp on Thursday with him to be a "walking parent". He is excited to show me how well he does at the BB guns and the archery range. Today he got a bull's eye.

Have a great week.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

sounds like a blast for each of them