Friday, July 11, 2008

Seward - Fishing

After we were done walking around Seward, we went fishing. Well the kids, Chris and Paul went fishing. I stayed in the car and kept warm for the most part.

Kyle and Chris trying to catch that elusive Salmon.
Silas and Ahna watching.
Claire with the little pole.
All the kids in the back seat of the Toyota. Paul had to take the van back into town as the passenger window decided not to roll back up after it was half down. With the rain, we knew we had to get it fixed before the 3 hour ride home so Paul left Chris and I with the kids and headed back. Paul did find someone to put the window back up, there was a short in the motor.

The kids did well for about 45 minutes then were getting cold and tired since we really only had 2 poles. I decided that they could all fit in the backseat if they took off their coats and sat on each other's laps. They were all for that and were warm in about 5 minutes between body heat and the car's heater. I'm surprised it took that long with 8 people squished in such a small car.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

how much giggling was going on in that back seat? hehe